
Distributed Systems challenge

Primary LanguageJava

distributed systems lab

Using gradle

Compile & Test

Gradle is the build tool we are using. Here are some instructions:

Compile the project using the gradle wrapper:

./gradlew assemble

Compile and run the tests:

./gradlew build

This command will inevitably run tests twice, once each Test Class individually, and once through the Test Suite (Lab1Suite). Therefore, you can run individual tests or the test suite by executing:

./gradlew test --tests dslab.Lab1Suite

Or individual tests, for example:

./gradlew test --tests dslab.transfer.TransferServerTest

Run the applications

The gradle config contains several tasks that start application components for you. You can list them with

./gradlew tasks --all

And search for 'Other tasks' starting with run-. For example, to run the monitoring server, execute: (the --console=plain flag disables CLI features, like color output, that may break the console output when running a interactive application)

./gradlew --console=plain run-monitoring