Happy Hacking Project

What is

This is an idea and in a same time an Art Installation. This is also an Artwork. This is an experiment o more generally this is an hack. This is Hacking.

You must think the Idea as Software. And for the same reason the Ideas must be are free and open. Fork and develop this idea like an freeware software.


We are all Hackers about everything of life why in today's world, 
everything is an hack, and the Hacking is the only answer to the 
meaning of life, the universe, and everything.[1]
Keep calm and Happy Hacking.[2]


1. ^ Adams, Douglas (1979). The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 
ISBN 0-671-46149-4.
2. ^ Richard Stallman (1970). Famous closing sentence coined by Richard 
Stallman and used by him in e-mails, conversations and talks. 


Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0


Domenico Monaco, hack@kiuz.it

How to Contribute

* 1° Step - Fork this project
* 2° Step - Create a subfolder named as: NO_<000-999>_<a-zA-Z>
* 3° Step - Create README.md file with description and put in a previous created folder
* 4° Step - Update 'Contents' section of this file with your information
* 5° Step - Commit your changes
* 6° Step - Make Pull Request to this repository
* 7° Step - Enjoy! You are now a contributor of Happy Hacking Project with your idea


Art Work NO.1

* Type: Vectorial Poster
* Title: Hackers about everything of life
* Description:Vectorial Poster of idea of life and everything 
* Author: Domenico Monaco, hack@kiuz.it
* Date: 01/02/2018
* License: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0