
Master MMC version seems broken?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Sorry if I'm jumping on this too early! Been looking for a combined Floppy/MMC ADFS for my Master, and this showed up at just the right time!

However, I can't seem to get it to work. I have an SD card loaded with the ADFS image from this thread, and it works perfectly with the MMC ADFS from, but with a masMMC.rom built from here, accessing :0 fails with a Broken directory error (though floppy disc access with :4 and :5 work as expected.

I'm using a bog-standard Master, MOS 3.2, with the built-in ADFS *UNPLUG-ed and MMC ADFS loaded into sideways RAM (with an *FX 200,2 afterwards to clear the workspace). My SD card adapter is just a basic level-shifter one on the user port, no TurboMMC.

This could well be user error, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case.

Thanks for trying it - probably best to treat the MMC version as suspect for now!

I'll check it against the version you linked - the version I got was from and there is a part that has some bytes NOP'ed out which looks suspicious - maybe I picked up a dud version.

I'll try downloading the Hoglet version and bring the sources in to line with that one as it is "known good".

I've not tried the Master/MMC version myself yet but will try to do so. I'll message you back probably in a couple of days when I've had a look

Once again thanks