
render progress bars from api and provide controls to update bar values

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend Test: Progressbars Solution

Start project

npm install

npm start to start dev server

npm build to build production code

npm test to start test runner in watcher mode

See here for all available create-react-app scripts


  • create-react-app
    • react
    • webpack
    • sass (create-react-app ejected to include sass-loader)
    • enzyme/jest for tests


  • Must read data from the endpoint
  • Multiple bars
  • One set of controls that can control each bar on the fly
  • Can't go under 0
  • Can go over limit (defined in API), but limit the bar itself and change its colour
  • Display usage amount, centered
  • Write tests for your code (hint: TDD strongly preferred)
  • Implement a responsive solution: testing it on mobile, tablet, etc. Getting it working nicely.
  • Version control (git)


  • Setting it up as a project
  • Setting up some automated tools
  • Linting, code quality, etc
  • Javascript/CSS minification, packaging, etc
  • Using a CSS preprocessor like SASS/SCSS
  • Styling it to a production quality level


Endpoint url: https://pb-api.herokuapp.com/bars

Example structure from the endpoint:

	"buttons": [10, 38, -13, -18],
	"bars": [62, 45, 62],
	"limit": 230


Key Description
buttons The amount of buttons to display and what value they increment or decrement the selected bar. Randomly generates between 4 and 6 buttons.
bars The number of progress bars to display and their default values. Randomly generates between 2 and 5 progress bars.
limit The equivalent to 100% of each bar. For example, the bar should be 100% filled when the progress hits 230.