
NSP Security Vulnerability - Update to deep-extend@0.5.1

Closed this issue · 4 comments

NSP is reporting a vulnerability for Prototype Pollution on a direct dependency of this module:

│            │ Prototype Pollution                                                │
│ Name       │ deep-extend                                                        │
│ CVSS       │ 2 (Low)                                                            │
│ Installed  │ 0.4.2                                                              │
│ Vulnerable │ <=0.5.0                                                            │
│ Patched    │ >=0.5.1                                                            │
│ Path       │ webpack-command@0.1.0 > update-notifier@2.5.0 >                    │
│            │ latest-version@3.1.0 > package-json@4.0.1 > registry-url@3.1.0 >   │
│            │ rc@1.2.6 > deep-extend@0.4.2                                       │
│ More Info  │                             │

deep-extend@0.5.1 was released to address this, and the module should be updated to depend on that version.

I'm trying to sort this out as well; it doesn't help that I can't find a tag, release or release notes for any v1.2.x release.

Looks like this was done in b633779, which was released as rc@1.2.7 last week.

A fresh npm i -D webpack-command yields a transitive dependency on rc@1.2.7 and I don't get the vulnerability warning from npm audit, so it looks like this is taken care of.

deep-extend released 0.6.0 yesterday, and this should fix this issue: unclechu/node-deep-extend#41 (comment). Anybody know when rc will be updated?

fixed in 1.2.8