This branch contains a development version of the iPC DREAM challenge website. It is built based on Jekyll and the Just The Docs theme and it is hosted on GitHub pages.
If you want to contribute to the website we recommend you install docker and Docker Compose (Note: use version 1.x) and use the latter to build and deploy the website locally as follows:
$ docker-compose up
This start a jekyll server that makes the content available at
As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.
Refer to the Just the Docs documentation for usage and customisation information.
If you want to add content please create a new branch from this one. Include your name on the branch name so that it is easier to know who is the branch author. When you are ready to merge your changes open a pull request against this branch.
The content of the website is in markdown files in the /docs directory whereas the images included in the markdown files are in assets/images.
The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.