
When running `svite build`, NODE_ENV is set to "development" instead of "production"

zakkor opened this issue · 3 comments


I would have expected process.env.NODE_ENV to be set to "production" when running svite build, but it seems like this is not happening, (at least inside tailwind.config.js), which breaks unused CSS removal for Tailwind

Default expected is "production":
-m, --mode [string] specify env mode >>>(default: "production")<<<

Doing svite build -m production still provides the same results
A temporary workaround is to do NODE_ENV=production svite build

 $ ./node_modules/.bin/svite build --debug
  vite:config env mode: undefined +0ms
  vite:config env: {} +2ms
  svite: adding svite plugin to vite +0ms
  svite: disabling vue support in vite +56ms
Building for production...
  svite: svelte config used for build {
  format: 'esm',
  generate: 'dom',
  css: false,
  emitCss: true,
  extensions: [ '.svelte' ],
  preprocess: [ { style: [AsyncFunction: style] } ],
  onwarn: [Function: onwarn],
  dev: true
} +81ms
  svite:  +1ms
  vite:build:resolve /src/index.js --> /REPO/src/index.js +0ms
process.env.NODE_ENV: development


The issue is reproducible in the postcss-tailwind example straight out of the box

Additional Information

  • operating system: NixOS
  • versions for
    • node v12.15.0
    • npm 6.13.4
    • yarn 1.22.4
    • svite 0.5.0
    • vite v1.0.0-rc.4
    • svelte 3.24.1
  • logs
    • use logLevel: 'debug' in svite config
    • start vite with vite --debug flag

should be fixed in svite-0.6.0 (published just now)

npm run build of postcss-tailwind example outputs purged css:

[write] dist/_assets/index.829ebdbf.js 2.81kb, brotli: 1.23kb
[write] dist/_assets/style.47c978a8.css 5.70kb, brotli: 1.37kb
[write] dist/index.html 0.38kb, brotli: 0.16kb

Confirmed! Thanks for the quick resolution