
Can't force fan speed to max all the time

LoganDark opened this issue · 8 comments

On Windows, I usually use atrofac to force my fans to run at around 130% speed at all times (YES, that is greater than 100%). But with asus-fan-control it only seems to support temperature thresholds, and I can only get them this low:

$ sudo asus-fan-control get-temps
44 44 60 60 60 60 60 60

I have my reasons for wanting the fans to run at full speed, like stopping the laptop from burning me due to the extreme heat...

Additional context
I am running asus-fan-control on a GU502LV (ROG Zephyrus M15) in AntiX Linux 21.

AFAIK, AFC is not able to work with higher speeds than 100 %. But if you want to choose directly, at which percentage you want to spin your fans, have a look at afc-gui, which has this extra functionality.

Maybe you may want to play a bit with afc-scout, from which you may find tipping points for driving fans for more than 100 %, I do not know...

Also, do you have an untested laptop device? If so, please consider adding it officially to AFC...

Also, do you have an untested laptop device? If so, please consider adding it officially to AFC...

Yes I do, GU502LV. I'm holding off on adding it until I can verify that AFC actually does something.

So it does not work at all on your device, right?

(The reason I couldn't tell is because Linux keeps the CPU temperatures so low that they're literally always below the threshold. So even if this program did do something, I literally couldn't tell, because it won't allow me to set the fan speed directly, only set temperature thresholds)

So burn it up a little bit. Play some games, 4K video or so...

Also see our wiki. There is a tip there directly for your situation.

I'll check it out next time I'm booted into Linux :)

(Sorry if my comments came across as rude)