
get_ohlc_data: 0 volume on a particular date

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I just noticed an error when fetching OHLC values from Kraken. The volume is 0 on the 24th July 2021, and O, H, L, and C values are the same.

pykraken_api.get_ohlc_data("ADAEUR", interval="1440", ascending=True, since=1558044000)

I also tried removing the 'since' param, but no luck:

pykraken_api.get_ohlc_data("ADAEUR", interval="1440", ascending=True)

Please see the attached screenshot:


Is there anything I could do to get the correct values?

Thank you!

Please forgive me.
It seems to be a Kraken API issue, as it's returning the same values:
