Picture as background in theme
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Is it possible to use a picture as a background in a theme?
I have tried several things in the Themes.js such as
appBackground: 'url(domoticz.jpg)',
appBackground: 'url('images/domoticz.jpg')',
but no success (the jpg is in the /scr folder and in the /scr/images folder).
In ReactJS, you'll need to import the image resources and inline them in your CSS.
Put your image in the src folder, for example under src/images/themes/
(it's OK to place in in the src folder, the React compiler will create a copy as /static/media/something.jpg
when building). Then add this at the top of the Themes.js file:
import backgroundImage from '../src/images/theme/domoticz.jpg';
// Now you can use the new imported image in your template:
const Themes = {
'Default' : {
// [...]
appBackground: `url(${backgroundImage})`,
/* note that these are backquotes because I used the ES6 template
notation but you could also write "url(" + backgroundImage + ")" */
Don't forget to also add the other CSS background properties as necessary (eg position, repeat, etc).
Thanks! Works like a charm :)