Does this package support with php 7.0 version?
kashifmit opened this issue · 3 comments
I am using php 7.0 version, and i am getting errors in it, can you please let me know how can i use it for php 7.0?
At least specify that errors do you see.
Thanks for your reply
I am using this package in laravel 5.2 with php 7.0 version. It is working fine on my local xamp server using windows platform. But when i deployed it on server which is in ubuntu it gives me error message ErrorException: iconv(): Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string in /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php:115
And also give the parse function error on my controller line. Can you please let me know what i am missing?
That error does not appear to be coming from this library.
If you're sure it is it would help to see a sample of your usage.