
iOS - Device not found, but Device shows BT connected/paired?

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I am currently using Ionic 6 in React on iOS. I am really struggling to get this working as I receive a Device not found. The iOS device shows the interlocking chains at the top right with BT connected to the Device Name.

const selectAccessory = async () => {
    const deviceDiscovery = BluetoothClassicSerialPort.setDeviceDiscoveredListener().subscribe(async (connectionConfig) => {
    await BluetoothClassicSerialPort.discoverUnpaired().catch(error => {

The selection for the Accessory pops up with the device name on the app, I select it and receive the error Device not found. However, BT is connected to the device. Even if I run a list() after the fact, it is an empty array.

Did you manage to get this working? I'm struggling to pick up any devices on IOS.

For me its the same here.. It works like charm on Android but the same device doens't show on the list for iOS.
Any updates on this issue?