
How to use NDEF_USE_SERIAL and NDEF_DEBUG defines in order to debug code

josebagarciamiranda opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, everyone:

I know this could be a silly question but I would like to know how to use NDEF_USE_SERIAL and NDEF_DEBUG defines in order to debug the obtained data in the NdefRecord.cpp and NdefMessages.cpp code.

I tried to insert both defines in the library code and the arduino code but I do not get extra serial outputs for debugging in the arduino serial monitor. I do not even know if the serial output of the library should be watch here...

I am using NDEF library with PN532 library from seed studio in order to use my NFC PN532 board to communicate with my phones.

Thank you very much in advance.

don commented

Not a silly question at all. I can't figure out the Arduino preprocessor. O_o Unfortunately adding a #define in the Arduino sketch won't have any effect on the library. That's how I'd like it to work.

You need to modify the library code. The #defines need to be added to odd places to get them to work. Try:

Disable NDEF_USE_SERIAL by commenting out line 5 in Ndef.h


Line 5 in 838d3b6


Disable Mifare Support by commenting out line 5 in Mifare.h


I haven't used NDEF_DEBUG in a long time I can't remember where I defined that. Try to add a define in NfcAdapter.h.

IIRC, NDEF_USE_SERIAL should be enabled by default and NDEF_DEBUG is disabled. Serial output needs to be on for the example code to work but this library barely has any memory running on an Uno so disabling stuff is a good idea. Note that the current code was updated recently by merging some ancient pull requests. I haven't used it much.

If you have suggestions on how to make this better please let me know.