
Ardino MKR1000 Crashes on 56 bytes tag

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When running the ReadTag example on Arduino I can read most tags, but I have a specific example, 56 bytes long entry (56 character a) when reading it, it crashes. If I simply add one more byte to the tag it works as expected.

As far as I could debug using some Serial.println it crashes in NDefMessage.cpp at byte tnf_byte = data[index];

What i also found sometimes with the same tag, that it crashes in the record.setPayload... the reason is that payloadLenght has values like 50331648 or higher. But I cannot reproduce this one every time

Using NXP MIFARE Ultralight (C) NTAG213

Reading the tags on Android with NFC Tools (or android native) works as expected. Tags have been written with NFC Tools on Android

Any ideas for further debugging.