
tagPresent with default timeout takes about 1000ms to complete

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm not sure if this relates to the "shouldn't block" issue but I discovered nfc.tagPresent() takes about a second to complete, delaying my run loop.

I guess my question is, should I expect it to take a second, which appears to block? What do you think is responsible for the delay and what do you recommend I pursue to overcome it?

Note, I am using the Grove NFC module (not the shield version). It uses UART by default. Though it says you can modify the board to use I2C, I (and others apparently) cannot get that to work. In order to get this NFC library to work, I'm using this software serial, PN532_SWHSU PN532Interface I found. My uC is a Huzzah ESP8266. Everything is actually working, it's just the delay I'm wondering about.

Thank you for your awesome library!

OK, so I tested passing it 250 and now it's faster so I think this is a duplicate of the shouldn't block issue except in that issue it's apparently fixed yet the problem persists for me. Is it because I'm using the software serial interface?