
Error. Failed read block 4 In read mode tag

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Hi everyone,

I tried to write a simple NdefMessage using a WriteTag sketch example.
If I try to read the tag writed the serial monitor show me this error message:

Place a formatted Mifare Classic NFC tag on the reader.
Success. Try reading this tag with your phone.
Error. Failed read block 4
NFC Tag - Mifare Classic
UID 08 77 E5 0E

No NDEF Message

Why occurs it?

This is my code

if (nfc.tagPresent()) { NdefMessage message = NdefMessage(); message.addTextRecord("Hello, Arduino!"); boolean success = nfc.write(message); if (success) { SERIAL.println("Success. Try reading this tag with your phone."); NfcTag tag =; tag.print(); } else { SERIAL.println("Write failed"); } }

Thank's in advance