
Include bluetooth serial plugin in this repo

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This plugin only supports BLE device..Now Most of the thermal printers works with serial plugin.. The other plugin not up to date.

@peitschie Is it possible to include serial connection (some featues like conect /read/write ) will be more helpful

Thanks in advance..

Hi @lajith111

There's a few extra dependencies and the like related to Bluetooth serial support that wouldn't be desirable to spread to all users of this plugin. I'm afraid there's little I can do to help there, as I don't have any capacity to maintain the additional plugin.

Thanks for the reply.. the other serial plugin does not have a maintainer.. I have observed some are ready to maintain some permission changes related to android update.. Mr @don is not replaying for any query . Can you help on this

this will be great help from your side
