
App does not read NFC

adnida opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Don,

Thanks for making this example. I'm testing your code using google nexus 7 (ionic run --device), however, it does not seem to read the nfc, or display any feedback. Any idea why this is so? Thanks.

don commented

The app only reads NFC tags with NDEF messages.

Which Nexus 7? The original or the 2nd version? The 2nd release of the Nexus 7 won't read Mifare Classic tags, it only handles NFC Forum tags.

Can you read the data from the tags using an app like NFC TagInfo by NXP?

Hello @don, I've tried with app NFC TagInfo by NXP and read the tag normally, but like @adnida, I can't read NFC tag. I'm trying with LG G3. I'm only trying to read the ID of the tag, and can't do this.

@adnida , you've solved the problem?

don commented

@adnida @vinimendes3 this issue is really old so I'm closing it. It's possible this was a permission issue if you're using Android 6. I edited config.xml to limit this code to android-22 to avoid that problem.