
powerlevel doesn't seem to effect range.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi :)

I'm trying to make a hyper-localized beacon. So I have tried to change the txPowerLevel you suggest in this example.

I'm using googles physicalweb app to detect the beacons broadcast, and it seems to be picking up the beacon's url at the same distance (8m) regardless what I set the txPowerLevel.

Thanks in advance,

Hey @craig-mulligan,

The TX power level is for the measured value at 0m away (see

If you're using this library on Linux, you can try to adjust the TX power level with the following command:

sudo hciconfig hci0 inqtpl 0

and use the following command to read the current level:

sudo hciconfig hci0 inqtpl

However, the set command doesn't seem to do anything on the Broadcom and CSR USB Bluetooth 4.0 adapters I own. The power levels remain fixed and 0 and 4 respectively.

Anybody know of a way to set the TX power level on Linux?

Based on noble/bleno#125, it doesn't look like this is possible. So closing.

Is possible on CSR but with the bccm command

@jcampbell05 What is the command we should use?
For example, if we want to set Tx transmit power to X dBm, what command should we use?

anyone figured out the bccm command for CSR to use to lower the TX power level?