
bleno and eddyston-beacon don't play nice together

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I'm currently experiencing some issues with an Edison-like board and I was wondering if you could help me there.
I'm basically using and libraries and I'm having a hard time making these work together.

My use case is simple, basic:

  • Advertise only eddystone-URL
  • If someone connects to my device, stop advertising & populate services
  • Let user interact with my services/characteristics

Would you, by any chance, have some sample code I could use as a basis?

@sandeepmistry @don

don commented


It works better on OS X 10.10. On Ubuntu 14.04, it looks like the beacon info clobbers the service advertisement. (Which might be OK if you're using the beacon for service discovery?)

@don's gist works well on my Raspberry Pi as well. However, if I use npm install bleno eddystone-beacon instead of npm install with the package.json, I think i get two instances of bleno, as nRF Master control panel shows 2 0x1800 and 0x1801 services, and no echo service.

To clarify on my comment above, I actually ran:

npm install eddystone-beacon
npm install bleno

so bleno was install twice is the directory tree ...

See my comment at #31 (comment)

We can close this one then.
Thank you for your help!

The connectable.js example no longer works when using bleno 0.4.0

It works ok using bleno 0.3.5 on the same system (RaspberryPi 3 with Jessie)

I added the dependency explicitly in the example package.json as I would like to use this on RPi and v0.4.0 has a necessary fix for the Pi 3's BLE h/w.


@WayneKeenan please submit a pull request to update the bleno dependency to 0.4.0 then either myself or @don can publish a new version to npm.

Hi @sandeepmistry ,

Is there any news on this subjects. I tried on edison but i can't get working bleno and eddystone together.

Each working separatly but together it is like eddystone works but not bleno as the device can not be scanned.

I try the full path method, the connectable Js example, the gist example ( but none are working.

Notice (For the front I used only webbluetooth)

Thank you for your help.

@PaulB2Code please open a new issue with more details.