
Error adding ndef listener: "class not found"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't run the test application posted on git "phonegap-nfc-reader-master" and all the other applications with this plugin. I'm struggling with nfc plugin of cordova because of this error. I think It's a problem of file loading (the order). I have read all the other related answers but was useless.(ES: EddyVerbruggen/Calendar-PhoneGap-Plugin#32)

I have a Samsun galaxy s2 mini and compile with phonegap version 3.4.0-0.19.17 and cordova 3.4.1-0.1.0.

don commented

Here's how I compile and run using Cordova 3.5.0-0.2.4 on my Mac.

$ git clone
$ cd phonegap-nfc-reader/
$ cordova run android
$ cordova run android

On the first build, I needed to do call run 2x because of missing directory error (cp: copyFileSync: could not write to dest file (code=ENOENT):/tmp/phonegap-nfc-reader/platforms/android/assets/www)