
:movie_camera: mpv pepper plugin

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


All format embeddable player for Electron/NW.js applications.
Powered by marvelous mpv.

Travis NPM

Get libmpv

In order to try mpv.js you need to install mpv library first.

  • Windows: download mpv-dev, unpack, put corresponding mpv-1.dll to C:\Windows\system32
  • macOS: brew install mpv
  • Linux: apt-get install libmpv1 libavformat-dev


Simple Electron application yet capable of handling pretty much any available video thanks to mpv. Run:

git clone https://github.com/Kagami/mpv.js.git && cd mpv.js
npm install
# Only on Linux: npm run use-system-ffmpeg
npm run example


Add npm package

npm install mpv.js --save

Package includes prebuilt binaries for all major platforms so no need to setup compilers.

Load plugin in main process (Electron example)

const path = require("path");
const {app} = require("electron");
const {getPluginEntry} = require("mpv.js");

// Absolute path to the plugin directory.
const pluginDir = path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve("mpv.js")), "build", "Release");
// See pitfalls section for details.
if (process.platform !== "linux") {process.chdir(pluginDir);}
// To support a broader number of systems.
app.commandLine.appendSwitch("register-pepper-plugins", getPluginEntry(pluginDir));

Don't forget to enable plugins feature when creating BrowserWindow:

const win = new BrowserWindow({
  // ...
  webPreferences: {plugins: true},
  // ...

Use MPV component (React example)

const React = require("react");
const {ReactMPV} = require("mpv.js");

class Player extends React.PureComponent {
  constructor(props) {
    this.mpv = null;
    this.state = {pause: true, "time-pos": 0};
  handleMPVReady(mpv) {
    this.mpv = mpv;
    this.mpv.command("loadfile", "/path/to/video.mkv");
  handlePropertyChange(name, value) {
    this.setState({[name]: value});
  togglePause() {
    this.mpv.property("pause", !this.state.pause);
  render() {
    return (

Currently only React component is provided.

See also


Basically all you need to ship is mpvjs.node and mpv library. Make sure they both and also Electron/NW.js distribution have the same bitness!


You may use lachs0r builds. Copy mpv-1.dll to the directory with mpvjs.node and you are done.


Homebrew can compile libmpv.1.dylib and all its dependencies. To find dylibs that need to be packaged and fix install names you may use collect-dylib-deps script.


Two options are normally acceptable:

  1. Ask your users to install libmpv1 with package manager or simply depend on it if you build package.
  2. Compile static libmpv.so with e.g. mpv-build.


Path to plugin can't contain non-ASCII symbols

This is unfortunate Chromium's pepper_plugin_list.cc restriction. To workaround this relative path might be used.

On Windows and Mac it can be done by changing working directory to the path where mpvjs.node is stored. You can't change CWD of renderer process on Linux inside main process because of zygote architecture so another fix is just cd to the plugin directory in wrapper script.

getPluginEntry helper will give you plugin entry string with that fix applied.

libmpv is being linked with Electron's libffmpeg on Linux

On Linux plugins loaded with register-pepper-plugins inherit symbols from electron binary so it leads to unfortunate effect: libmpv will use Electron's libraries which is not supported.

To workaround it you need to either replace libffmpeg.so with empty wrapper linked to libav*:

gcc -Wl,--no-as-needed -shared -lavformat -o /path/to/libffmpeg.so

Or use libmpv with statically linked libav*.


To build mpvjs.node by yourself you need to setup dev environment.

Step 1: setup node-gyp

See installation section.

  • Windows: Visual Studio 2013 is required

Step 2: setup NaCl SDK

See download page.

  • Windows: unpack nacl_sdk.zip to C:\
  • macOS & Linux: add export NACL_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/pepper_49 to ~/.bash_profile

Step 2.1: compile 64-bit NaCl host binaries on Windows

  1. Open C:\nacl_sdk\pepper_49\tools\host_vc.mk and replace 32_host with 64_host
  2. Open cmd, run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
  3. Run cd C:\nacl_sdk\pepper_49\src and make TOOLCHAIN=win

Step 3: setup mpv development files

  • Windows: download mpv-dev, unpack to C:\mpv-dev
  • macOS: brew install mpv
  • Linux: apt-get install libmpv-dev

Step 4: build plugin

  • Run node-gyp rebuild in project directory
  • Run node-gyp rebuild --arch=ia32 to build 32-bit version of plugin on 64-bit Windows

Applications using mpv.js

Feel free to PR your own.


mpv.js is licensed under CC0 itself. However if you use GPL build of libmpv (e.g. lachs0r builds) your application might violate GPL dynamic linking restrictions. LGPL build should be safe, see mpv copyright for details. (This is not a legal advice.)

Example video is part of Tears of Steel movie (CC) Blender Foundation | mango.blender.org.

Logo is by @SteveJobzniak.