
php (5.3.27) fatal error with ci3-beta fresh install

Closed this issue · 21 comments

I get the following error with a fresh ci3-beta install:

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/.../system/libraries/Session/SessionHandlerInterface.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.../system/libraries/Session/Session.php on line 122

it is true that the file '/home/.../system/libraries/Session/SessionHandlerInterface.php' is missing.

Upon further investigation, I noticed that SessionHandlerInterface is only available for PHP version>=5.4 and my version is 5.3.27. So, I suppose that this fatal error is related to the PHP version I use?

SessionHandlerInterface is there only for php 5.4+ and should not affect lower versions, but it should be there.
I think what happens is that I have included the session library from newer session which were just implemented in the newest merge today. Please try it with the new files from today.

OK, now I can see the homepage of A3M (with my PHP 5.3.27).

By default, facebook and twitter connects were disabled, I enabled and configured them. When I try to sign in, I get:

Fatal error: Class 'Hybrid_Logger' not found in /home/toeahost/devel_site/application/third_party/Hybrid/Endpoint.php on line 202

Check that you have the following file /application/third_party/Hybrid/Logger.php and that it contains the function error().
If you have that then we will have to figure out why hasn't it loaded.

The file is there.

I'm right now updating all files to the newest files from the development branch of CI. Once I solve all the issues with that I will submit a merge and link this issue in it as well. Hopefully this issue will be resolve in it.

I have the same "Class 'Hybrid_Logger' not found" issue in line 202.
Any news about the fix?

I'm currently in the process of updating everything to the latest development version of CI3 since they finally finished the new sessions. I do remember that there was some related bug to PHP 5.3.27 that was fixed, so we'll see if that fixes the issue.
My apologies on my inactivity. School is keeping me more busy then I would like to.

Check things now after #116

I too am receiving the following error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Hybrid_Logger' not found in /var/www/application/third_party/Hybrid/Endpoint.php on line 202

This is with the most current CI3 branch install

I have exactly the same error too. :(
yep, latest A3M 2 beta install

Looks like an issue with HybridAuth. Are you receiving this straight out of the box or after you try to use social login?

This is when attempting social login, normal login and usage is perfectly fine. When attempting either FB or Twitter login/register it hits a blank page 500 error and my error_log shows the above error message.

Same here, any social login with Google FB or Twitter. Same error as rustyn

Any update on this issue?

I just pushed some new stuff in regards to Hybrid Auth. I will be merging them soon.

Thanks for the update, I did a quick test and I keep getting The page you requested was not found. for Facebook, Twitter, Google. Any clue?

That is strange. I don't know, walk me through what you are doing and maybe I will be able to replicate the error myself. Did you setup the app settings properly (that is a common problem I used to have)?

I almost felt the same but I don't think so because I did the same for the previous test that got me the same error as above.

  • Downloaded the latest version
  • Updated the database setting
  • Updated my config base_url using something like
  • Updated the /account/account.php social media to true and the keys
  • Even updated a new version of the SQL

Missed something?

Works fine for me.
Anything in the logs?

Since PHP 5.3 is EOL I'm closing this issue.