
New Facebook API, getting friends lists and email

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Has anyone done this with A3M?

I've been trying to make a few changes and reading the Fb doc but I'm not competent enough to make the changes myself.

Has anybody integrated the new facebook API with A3M or made it possible to retrieve user_friends and the user email?

I'll be happy to pay someone to do it if it's not been done before.

This smells of SPAM, why are you harvesting FB friends + emails? Or do you mean the single USERS email and their list of friends?

Also A3M IS integrated with Facebook, calling data additionally beyond the login/authentication is supported, just not implemented for you. If you can clarify.

Sorry, didn't make myself clear.

I just wanted to figure out how to get the user email address rather than asking him/her to input it as well as checking if the user has friends already signed up on the website.

I've managed to do this using scope='email,user_friends'

The only issue left I have is that redirect_fb page which is not very user friendly.


I don't think this is going to get done in A3M v1, but in A3M v2 we are integrating HybridAuth and they have an open issue about the new Facebook API (hybridauth/hybridauth#280). I think the new Facebook API is going to come in HybridAuth v3.

Where is the repo for A3M 2.0, I can't find it?

I wasn't aware the project was in development. The login flow for facebook makes little sense on this version on A3M. Why make the user click the facebook login button instead of just redirecting him to the facebook login page is an example of this.

There is a branch called ci3-beta, but beware the new Facebook API is not implemented in HybridAuth yet.

@AdwinTrave, are the google and twitter connects working with the ci3-beta now? Facebook says their current API will work until April 2015, so the current A3M should be good till then.

I haven't tested it in a while, but they should be. Also there is an update coming to the ci3 branch as soon as I fix few errors on my localhost and add one feature after which all the features for that release will be done and then it will be only testing and making sure that we stay up to date with CodeIgniter till CI 3 release. The big issue there is that they are currently developing new sessions which are causing some issues.

I have a problem with Sign up from social account does not work
Fatal error: Class 'Hybrid_Logger' not found in *****\a3m_ci3rc\application\third_party\Hybrid\Endpoint.php on line 202
Please, help me, thank you

Hello, please check the newest pull request. I think it might fix the issue.

yes, now it work