
Find error signin/up with facebook

agusesetiyono opened this issue · 16 comments

i've updated with ur new code and testing it to signin / signup with facebook but still find error.

Unable to locate the model you have specified: account_facebook_model

just change the connect_facebook controller to:
$this->load->model(array('account/account_model', 'account/account_facebook_model'));

but still error when signup, when facebook login button shows,i clicked, then the popup opens up and it immediately closes.

You just grabbed the older code, this was patched recently 9e5667d 👍

could it signup with facebook succesfully?

I haven't tested:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter

I have tested OpenID, Google & Yahoo as those don't require APP ID's and jumping through hoops.

I'm hoping to setup a demo site so at least I will configure known APP ID's for FB & Twitter

i still find error when signup, when facebook login button shows,i clicked, then the popup opens up and it immediately closes.
why ?

@agusesetiyono, what error are you getting? Please be very specific if you want someone to assist with this. As mentioned the code for FB + Twitter is untested. Mentioning you get 'an error' does not help.

when i want to signin with facebook the link is, right? and the facebook login button show, then i click that button, but didnot happen anything, (still not registered as user), so login with facebook fail.

you can try my site at

The commits 3 days ago (load->view issues) should have fixed this. Since I know Facebook is working for me.

still not working for me to connect with facebook, im confused

@drofnas can you show me your app so i can try that?

Ok, I think I figured out why it was working all sorts of magically for me. I got a clean copy of the code, updated the Facebook config and the database config as per normal. But when I tried to setup a fake local url in my "hosts" file for "", it didn't work. I tried looking through my app to see if I changed something, but nope.

So I tried creating another Facebook application from a live domain, one of my personal websites. Setup my hosts file to point to "" and it worked right away, the Log In button functioned properly, a new user was created, everything. So it seems you need to point Facebook to a live domain for this to work. At least that is the best I can tell from this minor testing.

Update: I pointed "" to, I did not have to publish to my web host in order for this to work, it just seems as though the base domain needs to be a live domain.

Might be a good thing to mention in the README file ^^

If you have Gzip compression enabled please see this: #20

I think we should close this. I've updated the README section.

Closing per updated readme

Btw @iam1980 I think this 'guide' should be pulled out of the Readme, I can enable the WIKI for this project, OR we create a separate guide, because a readme to me should be simple, quick overview. What you added is fine for now but its more of a how to setup particular things.

I'll tackle this later, thanks for doing this tho, it is well needed :)

I agree. I just felt that this needed to be somewhere.