
403 error when logging in using google!

Closed this issue · 9 comments

FB, Twitter and all the others are working. But when I try to login using Google, it's giving me a 403 error. Any clue how to solve the issue? My site is hosted with hostgator.

Try posting more detail please, not really sure what you issue would be. What are your permissions for your cache dir? Did you investigate any php errors etc? Is the 403 error from Google? Are you passing a valid domain name etc;

The cache directory has 755 permissions set and it's storing cache correctly. The 403 error is from my host after being redirected from google. Not sure if it's related to mod-security because I tried accessing my domain using which includes an http in url, and it was not blocked.

What version are you using? CI 2.X or CI 3.X?

CI 2.X

Do you have csrf protection on or off?

$config['csrf_protection'] = FALSE;

Any clue on what might be causing this issue?

With such little information its hard to determine. Do the obvious checks. Double check you config files, etc.

The 403 is most likely a controller or permissions issue on your end, it is out of scope of what we can help with, sorry.
