
Integrating HybridAuth

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Just found HybridAuth:

If we could reasonably integrate this, it would solve the issue of adding additional services and their maintenance.


Yeah I seen this before, I swear it was on github, I had a few people jump to it when A3M was abandoned before. I'd be up in integrating it to alleviate new service integration.

Here it is on GitHub:

I think it can be done, it will be a major change, but all well for 2.0

Prototype available in my repo. Will do more testing and I want to write some migration for the DB.

I heard that Google account + Google+ will be one in the near future, did you read anything about that merge? Curious how one would convert a Google to a Google+ account authorization (for existing installs)

I have heard only rumors about it. I will investigate more into how Hybrid Auth currently handles it. From my understanding there is some G+ functionality included in it.

Hey @AdwinTrave I sent you a tweet, I found another easy to integrate oAuth library (poorly formatted, but VERY easy to modify for a3m)

I cleaned it up, cut out the unreasonable ones like paypal for one, who would log in with paypal somewhere? ;)

I have it working on my beta site for hotmail/microsoft and finishing up linked in. Both service providers require 'app id' creation etc;

@donjakobo Sorry about Twitter, I still have to get into it. I have finished integrating Hybrid Auth into A3M, I will merge it once I find some nice, social media icon set and tweak how they are displayed, so it's more of plug and play then the current system which is a bit strange in the current system.

Thanks @AdwinTrave! Great work :) 👍