
Bad Request when trying to sign in with google account

Opened this issue · 10 comments

When i try to log in with google account it returns me to the page "After i allow the google permission page" with a message:

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

The page URL is like:

What version of A3M is this?

The last version

Are you using v1.x or v2-alpha ?

OK, that is v1.0.1

Should i use v2-alpha ?

Depends on what you are looking for. The Alpha is in active development together with all its dependencies and has many changes from v1, so if you want to use it for production, then I would not recommend it. @donjakobo we might want to look to see if there are updates for the providers in v1.

I looking for a solution for this problem exactly so i don't know if this is from my version or what ?

It shouldn't as in v1 Google authentication is going through OpenID, so it should just work.

Could this be related to #96 ?