A vue directive to make a scrollable element scroll by draging to the scroll direction
- 5
Drag without text selection isssue
#114 opened by scramatte - 1
Types export in package.json excluded
#113 opened by gitrojones - 2
- 15
Prevent click event after dragging
#61 opened by Tofandel - 4
Nuxt3 update?
#112 opened by feelthemoon - 8
No scroll-snap compatibility
#64 opened by markusand - 1
Can't use it properly on table
#100 opened by AtousaDarabi - 2
overflow visible doesn't work with the directive
#106 opened by dohahelmy - 1
Firefox - several issues with demo site.
#111 opened by jasonhendee - 2
Not working for me on Vue 3 - Need help
#109 opened by vishytk - 0
#57 opened by andrejsharapov - 4
Latest version not working for me (nuxt project)
#108 opened by dataexcess - 2
nuxtjs The order does not take effect
#107 opened by 1030907690 - 2
Ctrl-click or right-click starts dragging
#82 opened by mattgilbertnet - 0
UIEvent.which is Non-standard
#95 opened by xmtoken - 1
Dont draggscroll with v-data-table?
#99 opened by manxaSP - 1
Error when using it for the first time (Vue 2)
#94 opened by iec989 - 0
TypeScript plans?
#103 opened by super-kamil - 2
Directive not SSR compliant
#75 opened by hannesaasamets - 5
Native vertical Scroll and Horizontal Dragscroll
#81 opened by vin-ni - 13
Vue 3 support
#76 opened by masterWeber - 1
[Feature request] Scroll one direction at a time
#91 opened by PixsaOJ - 1
Drag scroll works only when console is open
#92 opened by Avivbens - 1
[feature request] Scroll to opposite direction?
#83 opened by rasuru - 0
No Scroll, don't know what i'm doing wrong!
#68 opened by AndreFelipeMM - 1
- 1
- 2
vue-dragscroll + zoom on mobile
#56 opened by hvilppu - 0
- 1
Not working at all
#69 opened by atlasloft - 1
Detached element and memory leak
#77 opened by isonah - 1
How can I define the initial position ?
#71 opened by wenhaonan - 6
Not compatible with vuedraggable
#41 opened by henkm - 2
vue-dragscroll + vue-draggable
#63 opened by jhasuev - 1
vue dynamic templates
#53 opened by madeas - 2
Not usable on Nuxt - 'window is not defined'
#58 opened by PayteR - 2
- 1
[Feature request | Question] Drag position
#62 opened by dcrystalj - 3
focus on input/textarea set cursor to end
#37 opened by sokolovdm - 3
errors on ipad
#55 opened by jappyjan - 1
- 1
- 6
How to disable scrolling of the main content?
#46 opened by madeas - 1
Can we scroll programmatically?
#47 opened by mudin - 11
Pass scroll not working
#34 opened by NoMaillard - 1
- 1
scroll-behavior: smooth; - Not compatible
#35 opened by tophat1986 - 1
Chrome Message : Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event.
#33 opened by vomnes - 3
- 4
textarea and input change text not working
#36 opened by sokolovdm