
Russian Translation

DmitryOlkhovoi opened this issue · 18 comments

Maintainer(s): @DmitryAuine

Please check out the Translations Contributing Guidelines.

Original translations thread: #28

Interested in helping? Let us know!

I will make a PR soon

Hi @DmitryAuine, thanks for the help! I've updated your original post with some additional info.

will the translation be updated?

Any updates?

Hi Everyone, I would be happy to contribute to one of my favorite github repos. I started translation of the project in this fork:

I'm using the translation link from the first post in this thread, where it is possible. Besides adding content which is already missing, some text is also updated to match better the semantics of the original document (subjective!).

Some specifics about the translation. I'm trying a little bit more systematic approach for translation:

  • There are some comments in the translated version, which are generated with a simplistic tool (implementation inspired by this document!). It splits markdown document into sections for simplifying sync with original document and translation itself.
  • To avoid double effort, please check the Project for available tasks for translation
  • More details here: Contributing: Russian translation

Please let me know what you think about the approach. There is a gitter chat link specifically for Russian translation of the repo, just in case it is simpler for someone.

jfyi, translation is in progress. Sections left:

  • Cache
  • Asynchronism
  • Communication
  • Security

Links and headers will be updated as soon as complete document translation is done (followed by proofreading).

Update: translation of sections is complete.
Actions left:

  • Update link names and actual references
  • Proofread.

Update [05/29]: links and references updated, proofreading in progress.

HI, I'm going to provide the MD file of my work in Google Drive. Hope that helps - translation is ready. Going to do another proofreading iteration(s) before PR to main repo. Contributions are welcome.

Hi @voitau, @DmitryOlkhovoi: Appreciate your help with the translation, just checking to see how things are progressing?

Any updates here?

@donnemartin PR is waiting for the review and merge: #502

@voitau , hello!
Can your describe, who can review, who can merge? What we need?

@vitalyzhakov, waiting for #502 to be reviewed and merged by @donnemartin

as i got, the translation is done by google translate - it is readable, but sometimes there are quite weird phrases.

if you don't mind, i'll try to make some improvements to this translation in couple of weeks.

Any updates?

as i got, the translation is done by google translate - it is readable, but sometimes there are quite weird phrases.

if you don't mind, i'll try to make some improvements to this translation in couple of weeks.

Бро, сделай лучше. Я переводил сам, может было бы лучше через гугл переводчик. Все ради зачёта в универе было))

кстати, можно было перевести с помощью gemini. оно белее структурированно делает а вот bing более сос смыслом.
Думаю время будеть, возьмусь =)

Hello friends, I would like to contribute to this repo, I have used a lot and I think I can also contribute now? can you please advise the process?