
Primary LanguagePython


libr3 is a high-performance path dispatching library. It compiles your route paths into a prefix tree (trie). By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you may dispatch your routes with efficiency http://c9s.github.com/r3/bench.html

R3py requires Python 2.7, 3.4+, libr3 and is available on PyPI.


sudo apt-get install libr3-dev libr3-0


sudo apt-get install libr3-dev libr3

Use pip to install it:

pip install r3py


import r3py

def data1():
    print("Data 2")

def data2():
    print("Data 3")

def data3():
    print("Data 4")

tree = r3py.Tree(10)
tree.insert_route(tree.METHOD_GET, b"/", data1)
tree.insert_route(tree.METHOD_GET | tree.METHOD_POST, b"/test", data2)
tree.insert_route(tree.METHOD_ALL, b"/test/{id}", data3)

match_entry = r3py.MatchEntry(b"/test")
match_entry.request_method = match_entry.METHOD_GET

result = tree.match_route(match_entry)
result['data']() # Data2