
NoMethodError: undefined method `name_for_response' since v5.6.8

Closed this issue · 3 comments

nov commented

this line start causing an error

name: request.error&.name_for_response,

NoMethodError: undefined method `name_for_response' for :invalid_request:Symbol

Thanks for reporting! @camero2734 I think we have one more issue here 😞

Hmmm, I don't immediately see where this happens, could you provide an example request that causes this error?

nov commented

ah, I had an custom error handling code like below.

module Doorkeeper::OAuth::PkceRequirement
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    validate :pkce_requirement, error: :invalid_request



redirect_to oauth_error_response(:tenant_member_restricted).redirect_uri, allow_other_host: true

now it's replaced from Symbol to doorkeeper error classes, so everything is working fine.