
Forgets to export the namespace

alecmev opened this issue · 9 comments

In markdown-toc, module.exports is missing after the transformation. Seems like unlazy-loader is expecting some other convention.

In case anybody else stumbles into this before it's fixed, here's my current workaround:

module: {
  loaders: [
      test: /markdown-toc\/lib\/utils\.js$/,
      loader: 'exports?utils!unlazy',


exports-loader merely appends module.exports = utils; to the end of the matching files.

Seems like unlazy-loader is expecting some other convention.

I think you're right. sounds like a bug, or markdown-toc is using an unsupported format and needs to be updated. I'll take a look

hmm, what version of markdown-toc is causing the issue?

It's 0.12.3, the latest.

doowb commented

@jeremejevs are you using unlazy-loader@0.1.1?

There's a test fixture that is using the same signature as markdown-toc and that's passing.

Yep, 0.1.1, installed it today.

I've done a quick test, to make sure that module.exports isn't missing before invoking unlazy. I've replaced exports?utils!unlazy with unlazy!exports?utils (= added a second exports) - same issue (i.e. unlazy-loader has removed both exports).

The non-lazy test does indeed look like markdown-toc. Not sure what's the issue.

doowb commented

How are you testing this? Is it happening when using unlazy-loader directly or only when used in webpack? Could this be an issue with webpack?

This is in a normal development setup (with hot-loading, source maps, whole shebang). Here's what I'm observing in the browser (using Chrome development tools, I can browse module sources):

  • With exports?utils!unlazy I see module.exports in utils.js and get no exceptions
  • With unlazy or unlazy!exports?utils I see no module.exports in utils.js and I get an exception, pointing out that utils.Remarkable isn't a function

I had my doubts about this being Webpack's / my config's fault, until I tried unlazy!exports?utils.

doowb commented

@jeremejevs thank you for trying out different scenarios. I added the markdown-toc to the tests and tracked down the bug. Fix is published to npm as 0.1.2. Feel free to re-open if this doesn't work for you.

Can confirm, it's fixed now. Much appreciated!