
Babel.transform is leaking with goja

mstoykov opened this issue · 1 comments

I don't know if this is a babel issue actually, but it exists both with the very old babel we use in k6 as well as the latest one, and I can't find any issues about it so 🤷 .

The following test code

package goja

import (

func TestBabelLeaks(t *testing.T) {
        // r, _ := http.Get("") // work with presets
        // "env" instead of "latest" for example
        r, _ := http.Get("")
        b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
        _ = r.Body.Close()

        s := MustCompile("babel.min.js", string(b), false)

        vm := New()
        _, err := vm.RunProgram(s)
        if err != nil {
        for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
                _, err := vm.RunString(`Babel.transform("let a = 41; a++;", {"presets": ["latest"]})`)
                if err != nil {

will take (roughly) twice as much memory if the 200 becomes a 400. This seems to indicate that it's leaking. This is especially obvious with the running of the tc39 tests in k6 as they take upwards of 4GB now and enabling almost all tests (most of which obviously fail) goes up to 24GB+. But if I change the code so we constantly re run (or even recompile) babel it works without going over like ... 100mb or something like that. Obviously though that makes the running time from under 20 minutes to nearly 2 hours 😭 .

Looking at pprof output didn't help much except to show that stash.CreateBinding is top2 and that stash.DeleteBinding has never been called in the git history of the project. But I am not certain that matters 🤷

I would expect babel does something "normal" that ends up not being very well supported by goja. Maybe Weak* collections 🤔 , but AFAIK the k6 one works without Weak* collections, so 🤷‍♂️

This is to do with WeakMaps. From the current README:

WeakMap maintains "hard" references to its values. This means if a value references a key in a WeakMap or a WeakMap itself, it will not be garbage-collected until the WeakMap becomes unreferenced.

It appears that Babel is doing exactly that 😞 Good news is there is a much simpler approach to implementing WeakMaps which is also not without caveats but would work in this case. I'm going to push a change shortly.