
Should the PubSub topic created for `"google_pubsub_topic"` be named `cloud-builds`?

grahamalama opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, if the cloud-build parser is enabled, one of the resources created is a PubSub topic named cloudbuild.

In the docs for Cloud Build notifiers however, it reads:

Cloud Build sends all build event updates, along with build metadata, to Pub/Sub on the cloud-builds topic.

Does this mean that the terraform block should look something like:

resource "google_pubsub_topic" "cloudbuild" {
  project = var.project_id
  name    = "cloud-builds"


I haven't fully tested this yet, but before I did, I was wondering if this was intentional before I investigated further.


Thanks for the feedback. The pubsub topic that's created in the fourkeys module isn't meant to refer to the Cloud Build notifiers written about in the documentation, it's only meant to serve as the topic used by the cloud build parser, similar to those created for the other parsers (for example, see gitlab and github).