上传素材 upload_media接口 对media_file类型验证不完善
Closed this issue · 4 comments
DamonLiu0814 commented
测试过程中 发现 从数据库读取的二进制数据 无法通过验
wjy397 commented
doraemonext commented
@l315276651 请提供具体代码?以及具体的二进制数据?
doraemonext commented
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from wechat_sdk import WechatBasic, WechatConf
if __name__ == '__main__':
conf = WechatConf(appid='wx...', appsecret='de...')
basic = WechatBasic(conf=conf)
img = open("test.jpg", "rb")
print(basic.upload_media('image', img))
Jay54520 commented
python3 中移除了 file 类型,所以需要更改.
def _upload_media_py2(self, media_type, media_file, extension=''):
if not isinstance(media_file, file) and not isinstance(media_file, six.StringIO):
raise ValueError('Parameter media_file must be file object or StringIO.StringIO object.')
if isinstance(media_file, six.StringIO) and not is_allowed_extension(extension.lower()):
raise ValueError('Please provide \'extension\' parameters when the type of \'media_file\' is \'StringIO.StringIO\'.')
if isinstance(media_file, file):
if not isinstance(media_file, file)
if not hasattr(media_file, 'read')