- Clone this repo
- Install yarn globally (not required but recommended):
npm install -g yarn
- Install project dependencies:
yarn start
and point your web browser to http://localhost:8080
. (Windows yarn startnodash
yarn test
to run a single test run. A linter will run first.
yarn dev
to have continuous testing on every file change.
yarn e2e
to run the cypress js test suite (requires a fresh installation of neo4j to run against, expects neo4j 3.4 by default).
yarn e2e --env server=3.3
to only run cypress js tests valid for neo4j server version 3.3.
To run on an existing server (with a password already set), you can use any of these (the default password is set to "newpassword", pass in --env browser-password=your-password
yarn e2e-local --end server=3.4
yarn e2e-local-open --end server=3.4
The latter just opens Cypress runner so you can see the tests being executed and run only some of them. Very useful when writing tests.
There are also e2e tests that covers import from CSV files. To run thise, copy the e2e_tests/files/import.csv
to the import/
directory of the database you want to run the tests on and then start the e2e tests with the --env include-import-tests=true
Example: yarn e2e-local-open --env server=3.4,include-import-tests=true
Here are the avaialable options / env variables:
server=3.2|3.3|3.4|3.5 (default 3.4)
browser-password=<your-pw> (default 'newpassword')
include-import-tests=true|false (default false)
bolt-url=<bolt url excluding the protocol> (default localhost:7687)
E2E_TEST_ENV=local|null (if the initial set of pw should run or not) (default undefined)
BROWSER_URL=<url to reach the browser to test> (default http://localhost:8080)
Download these two chrome extensions: