
Blazor Example - Build Error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to build the SmartComponent Blazor example but the terminal is returning the following error:

45\build\SmartComponents.LocalEmbeddings.targets(39,9): error MSB3923: Failed t
o download file "
908b7/onnx/model_quantized.onnx".  The SSL connection could not be established,
 see inner exception. ---> Unable to read data from the transport connection: A
n existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.. ---> An existing
 connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. [\source\repo

I'm in the UK if that makes any difference...

I too am in the UK and can definitely download the model from that URL.

Is it possible that your network has something special going on? What happens if you just go to that URL in your browser - does it download the file?

In case it was a one-time error, could you try deleting your application's bin/obj directories and try building again? Since you mention you're building this repo, you could do this by running git clean -xdf at the repo root.

Yes I could access the file by the URL. Cleaning did the trick, I can now build and run the demo!