
Access ExecuteResult or Measurements from a Diagnoser

NinoFloris opened this issue · 4 comments

I was trying to implement a cpu diagnoser (i.e. #1666) however I ran into issues doing so as DiagnoserResults only exposes TotalOperations.

Taking a look at the gist:


public void Handle(HostSignal signal, DiagnoserActionParameters parameters)
    if(signal == HostSignal.BeforeActualRun)
        userStart = proc.UserProcessorTime.Ticks;
        privStart = proc.PrivilegedProcessorTime.Ticks;
    if(signal == HostSignal.AfterActualRun)
        userEnd = proc.UserProcessorTime.Ticks;
        privEnd = proc.PrivilegedProcessorTime.Ticks;

You can see it's measuring from before actual until the end of those runs (a contiguous measurement is needed).

This then gets emitted as metrics like so:

public IEnumerable<Metric> ProcessResults(DiagnoserResults results)
    yield return new Metric(CpuUserMetricDescriptor.Instance, 
        (userEnd - userStart) * 100d / results.TotalOperations);
    yield return new Metric(CpuPrivilegedMetricDescriptor.Instance, 
        (privEnd - privStart) * 100d / results.TotalOperations);

However as we don't know how many invocations and iterations it comprises of we cannot scale our stats correctly. Taking DiagnoserResults.TotalOperations is wrong here as it includes warmups and pilots, which we aren't measuring (and couldn't trivially measure in this way due to them being interleaved with other phases).

I'm a bit surprised to see the DiagnoserResults does not expose the actual run information from ExecuteResult - which it takes in its constructor. Doing so would allow people to come up with their own operation totals depending on their needs and measurement points.

Alternatively I would be helped with something like TotalWorkloadActualOperations but it feels like a slippery slope to add endless variations on data that should probably just be available in full fidelity.

You could implement IExporter and get the results from the Summary.Reports and Report.AllMeasurements. You can also filter the measurements like .Where(m => m.Is(IterationMode.Workload, IterationStage.Actual).

[Edit] Although I'm not sure if you'll be able to add the results to the table, as I think the exporter runs after the diagnoser. Hm...

Would it make sense to add the measurements to the DiagnoserResults @AndreyAkinshin @adamsitnik?

[Edit] Although I'm not sure if you'll be able to add the results to the table, as I think the exporter runs after the diagnoser. Hm...

Right, that's where I got stuck as well.

I'm a bit surprised to see the DiagnoserResults does not expose the actual run information from ExecuteResult -

It's not like we are against it, so far there was no need for it. @NinoFloris would you like to send a PR?