
Docs - Cross-realm service ticket retrieval

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It is not clear from documentation whether cross realm retrieval of service ticket is supported or NOT.

I have probably quite common use case within enterprise usage scenario, where user from realm1.local needs to access service from realm2.local.

Looking at implementation ( /Kerberos.NET/Client/KerberosClient.cs - 563 ) it look like TGS_REQ is always send to KDC of realm of user rather than KDC of service arising from second realm.

Referrals are supported and work just fine.

// is it a realm referral
if (originalServicePrincipalName.Name.Length == 1 &&
respondedSName.FullyQualifiedName.StartsWith(originalServicePrincipalName.FullyQualifiedName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// It's not a realm referral but it is the singly-named thing we asked for (e.g. "krbtgt")
receivedRequestedTicket = true;
else if (!respondedSName.Matches(originalServicePrincipalName) &&
// it is a realm referral and we need to chase it
string referral = TryFindReferralShortcut(encKdcRepPart);

Misunderstanding of error related to weak crypto being used for cross-realm trust. Clearly referrals are supported.