
[Xamarin.Build.Download] Using 7z to extract .tgz files can cause the build task to hang forever.

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Android framework version


Affected platform version

It should have started a long time ago.


  1. Currently, I am using the latest VS2022 17.12.0, and when building an iOS application on Windows, the build task hangs forever.

  2. And through diagnostics, I had found that the process was stuck in the state of extracting GAppM-10.28.0.tgz.

1>ファイル "E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Xamarin.Build.Download.targets" 内のターゲット "_XamarinBuildDownloadCore":
1>  TaskRun 中にアセンブリが読み込まれました: Xamarin.Build.Download, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null (場所: E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Xamarin.Build.Download.dll、MVID: 2e6281bd-9798-47ee-9ea8-82f214394218、AppDomain: [Default])
1>  "XamarinDownloadArchives" タスクをアセンブリ "E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Xamarin.Build.Download.dll" から使用しています。
1>  タスク "XamarinDownloadArchives"
1>    E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(56,4): message : D:\Program Files\7-Zip
1>    タスク パラメーター:User7ZipPath=D:\Program Files\7-Zip
1>    タスク パラメーター:IsAndroid=False
1>    タスク パラメーター:CacheDirectory=C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\
1>    タスク パラメーター:
1>        Archives=
1>            GAppM-10.28.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLKCommon-11.0.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLKVision-7.0.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLImage-1.0.0-beta5
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLKImgLblCommon-7.0.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLKObjCommon-7.0.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            MLKitBarcodeScanning-5.0.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>            FCrshlytcs-10.29.0
1>                    Kind=Uncompressed
1>                    ToFile=C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\FCrshlytcs-10.29.0\
1>                    Url=
1>            FAnlytcs-10.28.0
1>                    Kind=Tgz
1>                    Url=
1>    タスク パラメーター:VsInstallRoot=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise
1>    タスク パラメーター:AllowUnsecureUrls=False
1>    タスク パラメーター:DestinationBase=C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\
1>    TaskRun (Xamarin.Build.Download.XamarinDownloadArchives) 中にアセンブリが読み込まれました: Microsoft.Win32.Registry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a (場所: E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll、MVID: f165d2aa-905d-4dd4-8e4a-317d747f8224、AppDomain: [Default])
1>    Extracting C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0.tgz to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0
  1. Once I kill the 14100 process, the next extraction will finally begin.


1>    TaskRun (Xamarin.Build.Download.XamarinDownloadArchives) 中にアセンブリが読み込まれました: Microsoft.Win32.Registry, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a (場所: E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll、MVID: f165d2aa-905d-4dd4-8e4a-317d747f8224、AppDomain: [Default])
1>    Extracting C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0.tgz to C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0
1>    E:\DataFromC\NuGet\packages\\0.11.4\buildTransitive\Xamarin.Build.Download.targets(51,3): error XBD002: Unpacking failed. Please download '' and extract it to the 'C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0' directory and create an empty file called 'C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0.unpacked'.
1>    Unpacking failure reason: 
1>    7-Zip 18.05 (x86) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2018-04-30
1>    Scanning the drive for archives:
1>    1 file, 10038515 bytes (9804 KiB)
1>    Extracting archive: C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0.tgz
1>    --
1>    Path = C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0.tgz
1>    Type = gzip
1>    Headers Size = 10
1>    Would you like to replace the existing file:
1>      Path:     C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\GAppM-10.28.0\GAppM-10.28.0.tar
1>      Size:     40711680 bytes (39 MiB)
1>      Modified: 2024-06-12 13:37:33
1>    with the file from archive:
1>      Path:     GAppM-10.28.0.tar
1>      Size:     40711680 bytes (39 MiB)
1>      Modified: 2024-06-12 13:37:33
1>    ? (Y)es / (N)o / (A)lways / (S)kip all / A(u)to rename all / (Q)uit?
1>      Downloading to C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\MLKCommon-11.0.0.tgz
1>    	(2272/2400715b), total 0.0%
1>    	(240320/2400715b), total 10.0%
1>    	(480928/2400715b), total 20.0%
1>    	(721056/2400715b), total 30.0%
1>    	(960480/2400715b), total 40.0%
1>    	(1212416/2400715b), total 50.0%
1>    	(1441792/2400715b), total 60.0%
1>    	(1687552/2400715b), total 70.0%
1>    	(1933312/2400715b), total 80.0%
1>    	(2162672/2400715b), total 90.0%
1>    	(2400715/2400715b), total 100.0%
1>      Downloading Complete
1>    Extracting C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\MLKCommon-11.0.0.tgz to C:\Users\wangyk\AppData\Local\XamarinBuildDownloadCache\MLKCommon-11.0.0

4.Look, what have we found? It wants us to agree to whether to overwrite.
? (Y)es / (N)o / (A)lways / (S)kip all / A(u)to rename all / (Q)uit?
Obviously, the extraction has been waiting for a response.

So, the fix is quite simple.

Relevant log output