/tmp/.crank/wrk shared by all crank users
RobertHenry6bev opened this issue · 4 comments
When using the wrk load generator, crank mkdir /tmp/.crank and then writes an executable by get from some URL.
Unfortunately, the permissions of the last user for /tmp/.crank may preclude the current user from copying in a new version of wrk.
/tmp/.crank directory name should also encode the user's name
Here are some more leftovers in /tmp that will likely not have permissions for the next person that comes along:
drwxrwxr-x 3 wnj wnj 4096 Nov 29 15:30 /tmp/VBCSCompiler
drwxrwxr-x 2 wnj wnj 4096 Nov 29 15:23 /tmp/vscode-typescript1017
Does it mean where crank uses the "temporary folder" it should use the current user's temporary folder?
If there is a concept on linux of 'current user's temporary folder', then that makes sense. Otherwise just manufacture one with the userid in the directory name somewhere. I don't know which tool makes the /tmp/VBCSCompiler, and if crank has any control over that. the vscode-typescript directory looks OK, since '1017' is the userid of user 'wnj'.
Maybe "current user's home folder" is better for this issue? /home/xxx/.crank/wrk