
dotnet-symbol can't download symbols for dotnet 7.0.15

koepalex opened this issue · 5 comments


I originally installed dotnet-sdk-7.0 (7.0.115) via package manager (Ubuntu feed) but the dotnet symbol didn't work. So I created a new Ubuntu 22.04 VM and installed dotnet-sdk-7.0 (7.0.115) via Microsoft feed (as described here to ensure the right debug symbols can be downloaded but the same issue seems to happen:

Downloading from
ERROR: Not Found: bfb8f4e6e694e7a0c87843a2d499248662c7a4.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: e2f0b29ec2dd09d0e38eef4682510369dd27ca.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: facfe5895dd5f5039fc2671dd0bb2d1951d93d.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: a2ec553e7335ee35456b62f7b782e92c473edf.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 21a5b82e21c7ca92c1d117c31763e710d89003.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 082aa83fbd4651950805927d501bcfd01fd46a.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: a2c86829fe41315adfc4f89fdb913e54afc591.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 77f8d2ac3255d96c946e892fdc06a2823857d6.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 5b4ee3e598547ffbbe94c0b196438bdfea322d.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 8fe28e1ef7c2b75ca514abbb71f5de3fcc6b5d.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 100a2acff3288cddd3ff99694c15d636eb7c1c.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: d8db5bae6d56d900df3d00ee1719d041ab56cf.debug - ''
ERROR: Not Found: 0d9a3a8d2aeab20f34ad79ebd2c35278d3875b.debug - ''


  • Is this related to a specific tool? yes: dotnet-symbol
  • What OS and version, and what distro if applicable? Ubuntu 22.04
  • What is the architecture (x64, x86, ARM, ARM64)? x64
  • Do you know whether it is specific to that configuration? n/a
  • Are you running in any particular type of environment? (e.g. Containers, a cloud scenario, app you are trying to target is a different user) tried with local VMs, and cloud VPCs
  • Is it a self-contained published application? no
  • What's the output of dotnet info


Don't know

Other information

I can repro this if I install with apt even with the Microsoft feed (like you did). But it doesn't repro (the symbols files are there on the server) if I install the SDK with

./ --version 7.0.115 --install-dir $HOME/dotnet7

~/dotnet7/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/7.0.15$ dotnet-symbol -d --symbols -o /tmp/
Downloading from
Writing files to /tmp/
Cached: /home/mikem/.dotnet/symbolcache/_.debug/elf-buildid-sym-4cd716fe4b2a668bfff27dd1edd33fe281e09ae3/_.debug
Writing: /tmp/

This makes me think that the apt installed SDK is still a source built version which means there are no symbols published for it.


This makes me think that the apt installed SDK is still a source built version which means there are no symbols published for it.

Adding @richlander to confirm that Ubuntu apt-get based .NET installs are source-built

@koepalex I verified and the libcoreclr of our archive + the one from our deb feed match. It's got the build id 4cd716fe4b2a668bfff27dd1edd33fe281e09ae3. The symbols are Can you please verify the build ID (file gives it out) for the libcoreclr image you have?

As part of looking at the issue reported on perf on the runtime, I tried this out on a 22.04 VM and I'm able to get runtime symbols for Microsoft official packages from the deb feeds on 22.04 (had to pin the preference in apt such that dotnet* packages come from the microsoft-prod feeds):


I'm closing this since I have manually verified the scenario. Feel free to ping if you are unable to get them still.