
Error: No CLR runtime found (dump collected with 8.0.0)

ivonin opened this issue · 5 comments


Full dump collected with dotnet-monitor can't be properly analyzed with dotnet-dump:

  • dumpheap -stats results in an error: "No CLR runtime found. This means that a .NET runtime module or the DAC for the runtime cannot be found or downloaded."
  • runtimes doesn't indeed show any runtimes.


  • The process that the dump is collected from is running inside a container based on
  • We run dotnet-dump on Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy).
  • dotnet-dump --version: 8.0.510501+8c08c89a0643d31db91e119b1adb463be3e0ffe5.
  • dotnet-monitor /info output: 8.0.0-rtm.23559.8+8c7f7afdfa9b2472bb1d791e953480f214586ae6; runtimeVersion=8.0.0.


We didn't have such problems with .NET 7.

Other information

We can't unfortunately provide the dump in question as it contains sensitive data. The issue is, however, persistent, and we're able to reproduce it 100% of the time (every single dump taken from that environment is un-analyzable on any developer machine).

Hello! Is it possible to get any updates on this? Is it likely to be a bug that will get fixed?

Does the Ubuntu 22.04 you are running dotnet-dump analyze have a .NET 8 or less SDK installed? Or are using the single-file dotnet-dump and/or running in the container with the image?

The Ubuntu machine we use to analyze the dump does indeed has net8 sdk installed. The same machine can be used to analyze net8 dumps collected from a debian container without issues.