
dotnet-sos for .NET 9

tmds opened this issue · 7 comments

tmds commented

We have a test for debugging .NET apps using lldb and sos.
The test has been failing for our .NET 9 builds because there is no sos version that runs on .NET 9 yet.

When will there be a version of sos that runs on .NET 9?

cc @noahfalk @omajid

The current released SOS should work just fine with .NET 9. What exactly is the problem?

tmds commented

The environment only has .NET 9 available.

The first command the test runs in lldb is dso, and that prints the following error:

Error: Failed to find a supported runtime within /path/to/dotnet_root/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/`

Sorry, you are right the released SOS tooling doesn't look for .NET 9 for hosting so if that is the only installed runtime you get that error message. The main branch does look for .NET 9. We need to do a tools release to get this fix. We will try to do that soon.

You can work around this by installing .NET 8 or below or building/using "main".