
[SOS][tests] OtherCommands(config: projectk.sdk.prebuilt*) VerifyOutput: no last command output or debugger exited unexpectedly

mdh1418 opened this issue · 1 comments

Test: SOS.OtherCommands(config: projectk.sdk.prebuilt.9.0.0-preview.5.24254.1)
Configuration: Alpine3_19_x64_Release
Error Message: System.Exception : VerifyOutput: no last command output or debugger exited unexpectedly: \s*Name:\s+SymbolTestApp.Program\s+

Stack Trace:

   at SOSRunner.VerifyOutput(String verifyLine, Boolean match) in /__w/1/s/src/SOS/SOS.UnitTests/SOSRunner.cs:line 1194
   at SOSRunner.RunScript(String scriptRelativePath) in /__w/1/s/src/SOS/SOS.UnitTests/SOSRunner.cs:line 872
   at SOSRunner.RunScript(String scriptRelativePath)
   at SOSTestHelpers.RunTest(String scriptName, TestInformation information, ITestOutputHelper output) in /__w/1/s/src/SOS/SOS.UnitTests/SOS.cs:line 90
   at SOS.OtherCommands(TestConfiguration config) in /__w/1/s/src/SOS/SOS.UnitTests/SOS.cs:line 328
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---


Seems unrelated to the PR where the test failed #4616, but didn't seem to fail in neighboring builds, so possibly a flakey test?

This test only fails on manually created PRs, hence then neighboring builds from dotnet-maestro didn't fail. #4656 was created to verify that the test fails on manually created PRs and not just #4616. The test failed, and so now #4656 aims to disable the DumpMT Verification step of the test on Alpine to unblock PRs.