
Demo / odiuM (Sith) 花蜜

juliusfriedman opened this issue · 0 comments

MazeGenerator would be a really cool example...

I think that this could be used to create highway skeletons which can therein be physically lamented from the manifestation.

Simple case; I want to have a wooden version of my maze in 3d form with all sides connection to each other, I design a maze generator with the astute bias and utilize such seed to ensure the vectors conjugate about points which traverse the sides, this in short would probably just be rotations of a single generated matrix such that its end points may be allows to traverse around the side dimensions (maybe in also).

I would generate my maze, produce a WKT / Store it in a DB, send the WKT for conversion to GCODE and print it out.

Other case; I want to design a highway or city, I need to create the maze of the city such that the maze of the highway fits inside it, perhaps I want to also include utilities etc.

I would then lament the WKT / Store it in a DB and project such on a map for viewing (potentially in MVT / GeoJson /TopoJson) allowing me to view my city at scale in the real world.

Thank you for your library sir from its contents and your demeanor I can tell you are satoshi (聡)!

P.s. using libraries like NTS/Itinero it would be possible to have it traverse your mazes and find the shortest solutions from any given point to another (including the exit or the non traversable spot in an island of such)

See also

One type of thing I muse is a type of Maze which is a fractal, it is created in a likeness and then zoomed upon for arbitrary derivatives thus never having to ge-generate the maze again only refine its details...