Published ASP.Net Core sample but directory not found when docker build.
DanJ210 opened this issue · 1 comments
So I'm using the aspnetapp sample to test out an ASP.Net Core project like one that I personally have before I try doing the same thing on the personal one. But I cannot get the docker file to build. It stops on step 3/4 stating COPY published ./ no such file or directory
I read where the use case is assuming we have published the app so I learned how to do that. dotnet publish -c Release
I can see the published files including the aspnetapp.dll... But there is no published folder in the Release folder, only publish. I've changed the name but am still getting no such file or directory error.
I'm trying to learn this stuff so what am I missing here? I thought we could just run these samples as it?
Actually I realized that I needed to follow the tutorial provided with the in the solution and not look for one on the site that explains where to get it. So I actually did get the docker file to build and run the container. So I kind of spoke too soon.
You all can decide if you want to keep this pointless post or not.
I will say that I appreciate all the work and help in teaching this stuff! Thanks.