[NETSDKE2E] On Debian11 only, SDK dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-alpha.1.24070.3.deb installing failed with error: archive 'aspnetcore-runtime/aspnetcore-targeting-pack-9.0.0-alpha.1.24068.16-x64.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst' ling faile
v-xiaofchen opened this issue · 9 comments
Repro steps:
On Debian11, using dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-alpha.1.24070.3.deb from https://github.com/dotnet/installer to install SDK.
Expected Result:
The .NET 9 SDK can be installed successfully.
Actual Result:
The .NET 9 SDK install failed with error: archive 'aspnetcore-runtime/aspnetcore-targeting-pack-9.0.0-alpha.1.24068.16-x64.deb' uses unknown compression for member 'control.tar.zst'
1.This issue not repro on Debian12.
2.This issue not repro on dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-alpha.1.24066.10-x64.deb on Debian11
A similar issue was filed on .NET 8 Preview #16646, maybe it was a transient build issue.
@NicoleWang001 @v-xiaofchen does it still repro now that we've created a preview 1 branch and updated main to preview 2? Does seem likely to be a build issue potentially.
@marcpopMSFT this issue is still repro on today's latest build SDK 9.0.100-preview.1.24078.4(asp runtime aspnetcore-runtime-9.0.0-preview.1.24075.4)
dotnet/aspnetcore#53717 should fix
dotnet/aspnetcore#53718 for preview1
@wtgodbe @marcpopMSFT This issue reappears on 9.0.100-preview.2.24103.2.
@wtgodbe did the fix get ported to the main branch for aspnet?
Yes, on Jan 30. That SDK looks to also be from Jan 30, so it probably just hadn't flowed yet.