'clang++ exited with code 1' iOS build issue
NickD-Callaway opened this issue · 10 comments
I am currently running into a build issue with MAUI onto the iOS platform. This issue only occurs after I import the Azure.Identity library. I brought this up with the Azure team here Azure/azure-sdk-for-net#30156 and they suggested I bring this up to you!
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new default MAUI project
- Import the Azure.Identity 1.6.0 library
- Make sure you are paired to a Mac device
- Switch the Build Device to an iOS simulator or Remote Device
- Run the project on simulator or remote device
- The error will happen in the build process
I attached an example project here: MauiAzureTest.zip
Version with bug
6.0.408 (current)
Last version that worked well
Affected platforms
Affected platform versions
iOS 15+
Did you find any workaround?
No workaround yet.
Relevant log output
1>--skip-unresolved true --custom-data "LinkerOptionsFile=obj/Debug/net6.0-ios/iossimulator-x64/custom-linker-options.txt" --custom-data DisableMarkingOfCopyAssemblies=true --verbose -b --disable-opt unusedtypechecks --feature ObjCRuntime.Runtime.Arch.IsSimulator true
1>Optimizing assemblies for size, which may change the behavior of the app. Be sure to test after publishing. See: https://aka.ms/dotnet-illink
1>Tool xcrun execution finished (exit code = 1).
1>ld: framework not found System
1>clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\15.4.430\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1219,3): error : clang++ exited with code 1
1>C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\15.4.430\targets\Xamarin.Shared.Sdk.targets(1219,3): error :
1>Done building project "MauiAzureTest.csproj" -- FAILED.
@rolfbjarne this seems more something in your area? I think we need to get to the root cause of that clang error but I'm not really sure how to actually get more info was that -v -v -v -v in the addtional mtouch arguments?
I think this is related to Microsoft.Identity.Client issue that does not build on MAUI:
@fabio-popup I don't have that (Not an Azure project), and yet I've hit this issue multiple times.
I am getting the same error. Today I updated to 17.4.0 Preview 1.0. Suddenly the error I was having connecting to my Mac was gone, seemed at first to work great. The new WAS worked Windows, my connected Android device but the clang++ exited with code 1 shows up during compile???
Please get a binary build log (https://github.com/xamarin/xamarin-macios/wiki/Diagnosis#binary-build-logs) and I'll have a look to try to see what's happening.
I attached a binlog inside the ZIP for you to diagnose. If you need anything else let me know!
This is the problem: AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-extensions-for-dotnet#180
Seems like this is out of our hands then. Thank you for the help here!
I tried with 3 different versions of Microsoft.Identity.Client package today and and found that Version 4.46.2 is giving clang++ error in iOS while building the app. However, the latest version (4.47.0), recently launched, and 4.46.0-preview2 versions works well in Android and iOS both platforms and gives me the Access Token after B2C login.
Microsoft.Identity.Client version 4.47.0 works! in my case one of the project under solution was pointing to old version